String around my finger

A few stories from the last 24 hours worth remembering:

1) This morning I was standing in front of the computer double checking that the temperature for today really was going to be 90. I felt someone tugging at the elastic waist of my pajamas (they're really Ryan's pants, his stuff is so much better). It's Fiona. She looks down my pants and says, "Poop?", "No, no poop mommy!” I now realize how invasive it is when I do this to her, especially in public. The difference is that you rarely find poop in my pants.

2) Yesterday we went to Reed's first tennis lesson. There are two other children in his class. Gabby, 4, is a natural. She serves the ball with accuracy; she flows across the court as though she is dancing. Although I didn't catch how old Megan is, she appears to be too tall for her age, therefore, a little awkward in her movements. Still, she is absolutely involved and gives it her all.

Then you have my kids....
After a couple failed attempts to hit the ball, Reed was off. Off rolling around on the court. Off scaling the fence. Off doing anything but playing tennis. The majority of the time Reed and Fiona took turns pretending they were stuck in the fence and yelling, "pull, pull, pull" to free the victim (classic Wonder Pets style).

This is not what I was hoping for. Not at all. All I could do was collect the tennis racquets, sit down, lean against the fence, take a pull off my Red Bull and join in: "Pull, pull, pull".

If Reed would rather build a bond with his sister than play tennis, then, I say... Tennis is for sissies!

I want to remember this time so I can tell them, "You became true best friends in April of 'o9. Now, aren't you glad I wrote it in that blog you hate so much?"

3) Another break through Yesterday.... While the monkeys played on a small playground down on the Island, I sat. For the very first time ever I was able to sit and relax while they did their own thing. This could be the beginning of a beautiful summer!!

4) Today we went to a different playground. While playing with Fiona I did the usual check to see what Reed was up to. I still have no idea what he was doing. What I do know is, all I could see was his bare bottom. He gets that from his father.


Nancy C said…
Yay, Trudy for avoiding the inclination to make the kids play tennis, By God, or else.

You get it.