The Slug Whisperer

Yesterday Fiona found a "mama" & "baby" slug. 
She played with them and then put them in her pink bucket.
Later on I asked her where the slugs were, she told me "In the pink bucket". 
For some reason I assumed the bucket was in the backyard.
(you know what they say about assuming)
Last night out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a hot pink bucket in the toy room.
It was empty
There were 2 MIA slugs roaming our house... disgusting!
This morning Fiona came down to our room and asked us if she could put her slugs in the bucket.  Of course I told her "YES" and asked her where they were.  She picked one off of our bedroom floor and said "right here".

Is it me or is that just crazy?

Our Slug Whisperer & her sidekick consulting their clients

