You Are My Sunshine! a song for Auntie Tina

Yesterday was my sister Tina's birthday.
Fiona sang a special song for you Auntie Tina

Reed was being shy for the video
He calls her Uncle Tina regardless how many times we correct him.  
By this point I find it endearing.

Happy Birthday Uncle Tina
We Love Ya!

Easter 1972
Tina, Todd, Tammy
How cute are they in their matching outfits?
My mom made them.
I wish I were that good of a mom

Before I forget them here are some quotes to add to our 

Fiona: Mommy, I have boogers in my ears.

We can't hold them forever 
this is an old quote of Ryan's I remember because I wrote it down and posted it on our Fridge for awhile.
  It helped when I had a clingy baby.

I still can't believe how easy it was to have Fiona!
No, I didn't say this.
Ryan did,
and he will NEVER  EVER live it down.

I was in a zone making dinner. My ears perked up when I heard Reed say, Now don't worry Nona. It won't hurt you.  I found him with scissors in one hand, Fiona's hair in the other.

Reed! Are you listening to me?  
Typical phrase from bossy Fiona

Reed: I'm getting bitten by bugs, I need some Bug screen.

Reed in an angry voice:  Mommy Grace do not do that!
I think We've been saying "Fiona Grace" all too frequently lately.

Fiona:  My banana is Rusty.
It had a rotten spot

Reed's bus driver pulled me aside to tell me that when a boy (that he has seen everyday for the past year) with prosthetic legs walked onto the bus Reed yelled, Look he's a robot!
I'm certain Reed said this with much envy and I certainly hope this boy understood and maybe even thought,
That's right little boy, and I've got super powers...

Fiona has figured out how to catch my attention,
she has taken to calling me Trudy when Mommy doesn't work.. 
When she did this to Ryan he immediately nipped it in the bud
I will too once I stop giggling every time she says it
My biggest weakness as a mom is giggling when I shouldn't 
and worst of all ...
Both of them know this

On the other hand I have Reed, who has been referring to me as Nona's Mommy.
Reed: Good morning Nona's Mommy

