Friends Forever

Today we did go for that ride into the woods.
We stopped at one point to play.
With the biggest sticks we could find the three of us had a parade down the trail, Reed always in the lead.
By the riverside we followed the tracks of a deer and a raccoon.
Fiona picked flowers. (a given)
My monkeys climbed the best climbing tree they have ever seen.
They took turns being a cat stuck in the tree and being the cat rescuer.

These are precious memories.
There is one thing I never want to forget about this day. 
That is the conversation I heard as I rode back home with the two of them snuggled up in the cart behind me.

Fiona: Reed are we friends?
Reed: We're friends forever.
Fiona: Thank you Reed. (so polite)
I heard a big smooching sound and took a peek at my tow.  Fiona was planting a kiss on Reed's cheek.  
Better yet, he didn't mind one bit.
