Tid Bits

 We've been doing a lot of bike riding

Now and then some trail blazing

 A little bike pushing

 A couple of days ago our destination was the Rail Road

 Today it was the pond

I've promised for tomorrow another off road adventure through the woods.


* Fiona had a dream that I turned into a strawberry

* We decided to own only one vehicle.  Ry will take the bus to work.

* Ryan recently had a vasectomy.  
Fast-forward a few weeks:  We were visiting the equivalent to a town hall here in our village getting some information.  As we're  talking to the women, Reed interrupts with, "Daddy, now your penis is all better!  It's all healed up?"

*Confession: I'm often finding myself pretending I know what someone is saying to me.  Just by the context I assume the women just said how cute these clothes are.  So I say "oui" and quickly escape as to not reveal that I don't speak French.  Sometimes it's just easier.

*Bonus of the day....Because Ryan is in Canada doing science research we are exempted from paying Canadian taxes.  Perhaps this news is the bonus of the year?

Our river tonight

Wishing you a wonderful night.
