Touching Our Fears

Today we visited the Biodiversite Center in our village.

 Reed intently sat and watched the entire video that normally I would skip right over assuming there would be little interest.

This guy did too.

I found one of the benefits of being the minority in speaking English are The Private Tours.
(another one is telemarketers here generally don't speak English)

This snapping turtle was awesome.  
He's intrigued by children and likewise the munchkins couldn't take their eyes off of him.

Of no surprise Fiona was fearless and wanted to touch everything
Reed stayed one step behind. He'd cautiously stand back and watch his careless sister grope a creature.   Once it was put back into it's rightful home he would analyze it in a safe manner.
Once again reminding me,
we all learn in different ways and at our own speed.

Allow me preface this next set of pictures by explaining, I have always been extremely afraid of snakes.  I distinctly remember a kindergarten field trip where the teachers made all the children touch a Boa Constrictor.  I kept sneaking to the back of the line to avoid our meeting.  Eventually there were only fellow classmates ahead of me that were going for their second and third go around and finally the time was up.  I was saved from touching a reptile so evil that it's depicted as Satin.

Ryan loves snakes.  So I've slowly been working on my fear.  In pet stores I'd stare at them, noting they didn't look as if they could move quick enough to jump out and strangle me.  A few times I even had a tank with a snake in it to my back. (a VERY big step)  If you asked the kids if I liked snakes they would tell you I love them.  In an attempt not instill my fear in them  I pretend. This is easy to do when they are within the confines of a glass box.

Today I touched my fear! 
I did it for my buddy Reed. 
I was repaid greatly as I watched him touch , just for a second, all three snakes.

 Fiona loved how the Corn Snake made a bracelet around her wrist.  She couldn't get enough
For the record I allowed Orville to do the same to me, but only once.

I am ever so proud of Fiona for, as she says, "not being afraid of anything"

But we all know being brave is doing something we are afraid of.

Today Reed Moe was a champion!
