Day @ The Park

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back,
a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
Anais Nin

(another one for his sign photo album)
(She looks so tiny)

(They are such love bugs)


Me: You'll celebrate your next birthday with the kangaroo's
Fiona laughs. A kangaroo with a birthday hat?  Mom, Do you know anything?

Instead of saying his stomach is upset Reed has taken to the phrase, My stomach is frustrated.

Okay boss.  The kids having been referring to one another as Boss.

This is an old old one but it still makes me laugh.  I was explaining to Ryan how much money we were saving on formula because I was nursing. He responded with,  I don't know that we're saving that much honey.  Not with how much you've been eating.  (He was probably right)

Reed: Daddy you are growing so big on me.  If you get any bigger you'll be the giant of Canada.
