
I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see today's creative picture.  
Wait no longer my friends.

I'm sure it's self-explanatory but just in case... 
Ryan is on the left holding my crown. 
I'm on the right dressed to impress in a yellow gown.

Okay, as much as I wish I could take credit for this one. 
I can not tell a lie.
I had nothing to do with it.  
It was all Fiona. 
She lives life in her own little fairytale where Ryan's the king and I'm the queen.
{Gotta love that about her}
                                                                                                                                Best Regards,
Your Majesty


Daddy said…
Another priceless piece of art by our little monkey. Perhaps she'll be supporting us in our dotage with her crazy successful art studio. Or maybe she'll be a professional dancer. Or a cowgirl. Time will tell...

love daddy