Cause For Celebration

Ecology, the leading international journal in its field, publishes articles that report and interpret the results of original scientific research in basic and applied ecology.

I am incredibly proud to announce Ryan ,my Ryan, has written a manuscript that will be published in the January issue of  Ecology!  Ryan always impresses us when his hard work is published.  This one stands out because it's a high impact journal.

I am honored to accompany him in the same issue.   A month ago I submitted a photograph for consideration as the cover of Ecology.  After reviewing the past covers I realized I was out of my league. After weeks elapsed I had given up all hope.  Fortunately I didn't have my hopes up too high, I knew it was a long shot.

Today I was forwarded this email:

  I am pleased to tell you the Becancour River image has been selected for the cover of January Ecology! Please send a caption (about 50 words, along with the photographer’s name for credit), and a copy of the e-mail or an e-mail to us granting permission for the image’s publication.

Oh this will be a gorgeous cover!

All the best, Regina P.

Graphics/Production Editor

As happy as I am for this accomplishment, and believe me I am ecstatic, I'm more flattered by Ryan's love for me.  
I can tell by his words and actions that he is more excited for me than he is for himself.  
The romantic in me can't help but believe it's only appropriate that we share this moment in the spotlight.

  You better believe the Woodland Clan will be celebrating tonight!

When the issue comes out later this month I'll link it up here. 
I'm going to keep you in suspense as to what photograph I submitted, but I'll give you a suggested name for it, Trees On Fire.

Published Photographer,
Trudy Woodland


Lady Susan said…
That is so awesome! What research is being published? Post-doc or PhD? And kudos to you Trudi for getting a photo published! You guys are wonderful.
Trudy Woodland said…
Thank you very much! Ryan's research was on Seasonality in stable isotope patterns in food webs. It's from his post-doc in Quebec.