Royal Botanic Gardens

We shuffled on over to Royal Botanic Gardens this past weekend for a picnic.  I've become a huge fan of picnics.  It's such a fun way to share a meal.  There are no manners or rules to stress over.  Between bites the little ones run around while Ryan and I lounge and enjoy the moment.  On the practical side we save a lot of dinero and time by not eating at local cafes.

between bites...  in Reeds case mid-bite

The Woodland kids have been refining their storytelling skills.  I'm not certain why but they think making up and sharing tales is best done in the shade of a tree.  They blow me away with their creativity and vocabulary, another reminder that the time has come to release them into the world. 

In the heavenly scented herb garden the boys  listen to Fiona's story

~ me and my sweet pea

The gardens are home to a historic collection of trees from around the world. 
If you know our kids you know they are skillful tree climbers.
{one of the reasons I call them my monkeys}

Dusky Moorhen
