Happy Valentines Day!

Since the kids started school I'm more busy than ever.  Who would have thought?  Almost everyday I'm at the school in a meeting or volunteering.  We're all exhausted as we adapt to our new routines.  Because of this I'm grateful Australian children don't exchange Valentines cards, it would have been one more thing on our long list of  To Do's this week.

In celebration of Valentines Day we cut and hung hearts on our climbing tree, gifted the teachers with cards & love buttons and Ryan made Love Day donuts with the kids.  My valentine and I retreated to bed early officially showing our position in life; Confidently in love.  After all, everyday in our home is a celebration of love.

We sat around sharing what we love about one another.
I recorded some of our thoughts on hearts.

May your home be filled with zealous love everyday!
Happy Valentines Day!


Daddy said…
I don't know if my first comment was published or not (lousy Monash server) - BUT - I wanted to note that I am a VERY lucky guy to have such wonderful kids and such a beautiful and loving wife. Happy love day to clan Woodland!
