{Toast So Good It Makes The Earth Quake}

We have a new favorite snack in our house.
Avocado Toast.
It's easy to make, healthy and oh so delicious.
 So I thought I'd share the recipe.
 {if you can even call it that.}

Toast some bread {I use whole grain}
Mash an avocado and squeeze some fresh lemon over it.
Spread it on the toast.
Top it with feta cheese.
Sprinkle with green tea salt.
{to make green tea salt open a green tea bag and mix some of the flakes with salt.  I store it in a baggie because we can't get enough}

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

In other news~ Last night we had an earthquake here in Melbourne. It was as you'd expect, the house shook, the windows rattled and it sounded like a truck was crashing through the house. 

Ryan was on the train coming home from rock climbing.  He didn't feel a thing.  The kids were asleep in bed.  I ran to their room.  Reed was in the top bunk and had woken up. He told me he was shaking, then in a very accusing voice asked, "Is Fiona doing that?" {Of course Fiona is to blame for the earthquake too} I started to get him out of bed when it stopped.  It really was scary for the 30 seconds it lasted.  In the end all is well and it's a fun story for the kids to talk about at school.

Where were you during the 2012 Melbourne Earthquake?  
Ryan sent me this picture.  I find it extremely comical.
