Swim lessons

There seems to be two choices with swim lessons. 
Intensive programs and term long programs.  
After trying both I prefer the intensive. 
 I think they get more out of the longer classes.
The 5 days in a row seems to help with muscle memorization.
  I also like that because it's offered during the kids holiday we don't have to give up another extra 
like karate or ballet during the term.

Last week the littles finished their second round of intensive lessons. 
They are progressing so quickly!
They really will be surfing before we know it.

  After the lessons the kids stayed and played for another hour.
 I even got in with them a couple of the days
 and taught them how to play Marco Polo.
Man did we have some laughs at the pool last week!

* All schools in Victoria have 2 week breaks between terms. (there are 4 terms in a school year)  The holidays are taken during the same two weeks across the state.  Most sports and extras follow the same terms as the schools.  So, when the school term is over karate and ballet break for the two weeks as well.  I like it this way, it keeps everything nicely organized.  The only down fall is the cost of things like airline tickets & hotels go up during the school holiday.

Tonight ,for the last time, I kissed and squeezed my six year old Reed.
He'll wake up a seven year old.

He'll also wake up ready to hit the road on his way to his birthday experience.

Good Night.
