{Be Happy For This Moment. This Moment Is Your Life.}

Our last night in Koh Mak was one of those moments I wish I could live in forever.
A night that reminded me we're living life the way we've always wanted to.
It's not the life for everyone.
It's OUR authentic life.

We don't own a home. Our car isn't impressive. More often than not the clothes on my back are from the opt shop. We gave up pretty much all our worldly goods to move to Australia. These things aren't important to Ryan and I.  I suspect that's one of the reasons we're such a perfect match.  We are enriched by love and adventures.  We try our best to focus on the most basic pleasures rather than seeking material goods to show our worth.  

Live the life you love. Love the life you live.

There are two things we should give our children. One is roots. The other is wings.

Fathers of little boys work from son up 'til son down

Have a best friend who will never let you down

I recognize I've gone overboard with the same set of pictures.
Forgive me, I can't get enough of them.
I never want to forget the many hours we passed playing as a family in the warm water of The Gulf of Thailand. 


Becca said…
They are all great shots Trudy! Loved seeing them all.