A Woodland Update via My Mobile.

 Ryan has been out in the field a lot lately.
 Not a one of us ever sleeps well when he's gone.
 In an attempt to compensate we all sleep together.
The night he gets home the kids are kicked out.
  I sleep like a baby and amazingly they do too.

 Fiona has been decorating our yard lately with colorful streamers.
We were fortunate enough to have our car decorated too.
 She begged me to leave them on for the ride to school.
 This is what kids do to you.
  I'm sure we looked crazy as.
It was more than worth it to see her blue eyes twinkle with pride as streamers blew in the wind behind us.
 My cucumbers and tomatoes are coming along!
 We spend a lot of time drawing around here.
 I really should be better with all the practice I get.
Even so...
 Reed thought My Curious George picture was great and gave me his well done ribbon.
 Ryan introduced Ghost Busters to Reed.
 Now we randomly shout out, "Who you gonna call?"
 From all corners of the house "Ghost Busters!" rings out.
 Fiona and I have been playing some pretty mean games of Memory.

 We're over a year and a half into our stay here in Australia.
 It's time to start thinking about planting our roots somewhere.
 The question remains, Where? 
Reed wants to live on a farm.
Fiona doesn't want to live anywhere. She "just wants to travel." (a girl after her mom and dad's heart.)
Hence the current chalkboard sign in our kitchen.  "Come what may and love it"
It doesn't matter where we end up as long as we're together we'll love it.

 This   is   a   picture  of  me  Dad  and  Reed  we  are  about  to  go  for   a   jog.   FIONA
The above sentence was created by Fiona.  In school they're taught to put two finger spaces between words.  I love how she applied it to her typing too.

Fiona was running a pet hospital. 
When I took this picture she asked in a disgusted voice,
 "Mum, why would you want to take a picture of a sick animal?"
It made me feel a little twisted and no more photo's were taken of the ill.

Hanging around a beach coffee shop I taught Reed a new game.  Man I love that kid.

Lunchbox notes...
The kids have a chore jar. 
One of the chores is to give mom a foot rub.
 While Fiona was doing just that Reed was vacuuming the lounge.
This mom thing is getting good. :)
