Rayang, Thailand

On the way into school today the kids were talking about a particular day we spent in Thailand. I'm blown away with all the details they remember. We had hopped on kayaks and paddled over to the island of Rayang. We had the entire place to ourselves and it was paradise. There were so many nooks and crannies filled with fun and beauty.

 When I got home I just had to take peek at the videos from that day.  I haven't really taken the time to look through them until now.  I need to pull them all together.  Until I get on that, here's one clip.  A tiny little glimpse into that HUGE day of fun.

I love that it's one shot starting with Fiona and ending with her. 
 Ry rocked it behind the camera.

all. to. ourselves. (the entire day)

view from the cafe
We can't wait to make it back someday.
