{Looking Mature}

Looking in the mirror at my belly I ask Reed:  Do I look bigger?
Without looking at me Reed responds: Oh yes mum you're looking very mature.  You sure are growing up on us.

As of today I only have 39 days until this little guy is due to make his big appearance.
Physically I'm ready.  I'm slow, tired exhausted and uncomfortable.
As for being prepared, I'm not even close.  
There are very few signs around the house that a baby is on the horizon. 
 I still need to get his carseat, something for him to sleep in, diapers and I guess those are the staples.
Anything beyond that we can pick up after he's born.

Oh the third child... how differently we view their needs. 
Mostly they need love
 and man oh man is there a family of four here so very eager to shower him with love. 
