{Babies Don't Keep}

My little Clayton is about to be 8 months old!!
 Some moments I feel as if he's been with us forever while others I feel like I just had him.
He's such a joy and source of happiness for all of us that I can't imagine a life without our Clayton Ryan. I'm so incredibly grateful.

I've been keeping up with his monthly pictures with Mozzarella but just haven't taken the time to post them until now. I should mention Mozzarella is Fiona's beloved bear.  She asked Santa for him a couple years ago and even though he takes up half her bed she sleeps with him every night.  (along with 20 other stuffed animals)  A huge thank you to Fiona for letting us use him as a point of reference for Clay's rapid growth.

4 months

4 Month Stats:

Weight- 6310g (13 lbs 14 ounces) 25th percentile
Length- 61cm (24inches) 10th percentile
Head- circumference  41.5cm (16inches) 50th percentile

5 months

6 months

6 Months Stats:

Weight- 7245g (16 pounds) 25th percentile
Length- 63cm (25 inches) 5th percentile
Head circumference-  42.2cm  (16.6 inches) 25th percentile

7 months

Don't let that little body fool you.  This child is a rockin' and a rollin'.  He's been crawling forever now and he is cruising around like it's his job. (cruising is when they walk along holding onto furniture) I'm afraid he'll be walking earlier than I'd like.

My goodness Clay loves to eat.  Lucky for him just this year they changed the guidelines for what you can feed a baby. With Reed & Fiona it was suggested to give them one new food at a time and wait a week before introducing another one. Highly allergenic foods such as peanut butter were to wait until they were a year. Given the rise in food allergies they've thrown all that advice out the window. Now it's give it all to them, even peanut butter.  (milk, honey & raw egg are still to wait until 12 months)  So little Clay is eating up a storm.  Once in awhile I puree food for him but these days it's mostly solid food and big messes around his highchair.
Before we know it he'll be digging into his first cake on his first birthday!

It's so true, babies just don't keep.
