{Sunrise In Sydney}

My favorite time of day is sunrise.  I don't experience it nearly enough.
That's one of the reasons I love camping so much.  I'm up early and eager to see what's outside the tent because it's usually something beautiful like this...

All of these pictures are from one morning on our Sydney adventure...

Reed and his sticks

 Best Friends

We were on a tight budget for this trip... who am I kidding, we're always on a tight budget but traveling is a priority so we always figure out a way. Anyway, given our especially tight budget during this time we told the kids ahead of time that we were not going to eat out and stuck to it. (although we did treat them to gelato on the last day) Instead we made lunches in the morning while the kids played.  Beyond saving us a lot of money it saved us time trying to find a cafe that would suit all tastes and when they got hungry we could feed them immediately avoiding any grumpiness.  I had made some pasta dishes ahead of time for dinner and it was beyond delicious if I don't say so myself. ;)

Here's Ryan making a veggie wrap for one of our lunches...
 While he did that the kids flew a kite...

 While they played Clay had his morning nap...

Then we were off to catch the ferry...


Unknown said…
Wow!! I love that you are posting so much lately. :-) What a trip. Beautiful photos as usual. Blessed life.