
Showing posts from September, 2010

A Cake Free- For -All

N ext week Reed will celebrate his 5th birthday.   Today we looked back on his past parties. This video from his 3rd birthday is one of our favorite party moments. It seems like it was just yesterday. Just weeks before he turned 3 he said "Mama" for the first time.    To watch my baby struggle for something that comes so easily to others was excruciating.   I'd stay up at night worrying for him and his future. Thoughts of him grunting his way through high school haunted me. I kept imagining the day I'd laugh over my fears.   Thankfully that day has come.  He has worked extremely hard over the past two years and now he never stops gabbing.  With every word he utters is insight into his strong fighting character.   Reed is the most amazing little boy and no mother or father could be more proud than Ryan and I. We look forward to seeing what else he has instore. 

Happy Birthday Mom!

We are wishing you a very happy birthday tomorrow! Lets try that one more time.  This time Fiona will make sure Reed doesn't blow the candle out.   Even if that means we don't finish the song. Thank goodness for technology.  The kids made some pictures for you and you know how bad I am about mailing things. Above is from Fiona.  It's you on the left and she's on the right.   Notice you're holding hands. All the letters are there spelling Happy Birthday. This one is from Reed.   It's a picture of him with long arms and legs as well as a broken car. They are all yours along with lots of hugs and kisses when we see you in a couple of weeks.  We can't wait.

Friends Forever

T oday we did go for that ride into the woods. We stopped at one point to play. With the biggest sticks we could find the three of us had a parade down the trail, Reed always in the lead. By the riverside we followed the tracks of a deer and a raccoon. Fiona picked flowers. (a given) My monkeys climbed the best climbing tree they have ever seen. They took turns being a cat stuck in the tree and being the cat rescuer. These are precious memories. But There is one thing I never want to forget about this day.  That is the conversation I heard as I rode back home with the two of them snuggled up in the cart behind me. Fiona : Reed are we friends? Reed: We're friends forever. Fiona: Thank you Reed. (so polite) I heard a big smooching sound and took a peek at my tow.  Fiona was planting a kiss on Reed's cheek.   Better yet, he didn't mind one bit.

Tid Bits

 We've been doing a lot of bike riding Now and then some trail blazing  A little bike pushing  A couple of days ago our destination was the Rail Road  Today it was the pond and I've promised for tomorrow another off road adventure through the woods.   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  TID BITS * Fiona had a dream that I turned into a strawberry * We decided to own only one vehicle.  Ry will take the bus to work. * Ryan recently had a vasectomy.   Fast-forward a few weeks:  We were visiting the equivalent to a town hall here in our village getting some information.  As we're  talking to the women, Reed interrupts with, "Daddy, now your penis is all better!  It's all healed up?" *Confession: I'm often finding myself pretending I know what someone is saying to me.  Just by the context I assume the women just said how cute these clothes are.  So I say "oui" and quick...

The Little Prince Workshop

M y friends mother made him take ballroom dance lessons when he was a child. What has always stayed with me is the idea that she was preparing him for greatness . She had taken the qualities of a king and instilled them in her son. It does not matter if he dances with a queen or  impresses a date He is her prince and the world will know. So today as I dropped Reed & Fiona off at Atelier Du Petit Prince (The Little Prince Workshop) Where English falls on deaf ears.  I set my worries at ease by repeating the mantra, I am preparing them for greatness.  My Princess & Prince in the making ********************************   When I was a little girl my neighbor and best friend Brenda would tease me because she was older than me.   Mind you she was only a month older than me. But When you're 5 this month matters. I would fuss to my mom about how awful it was to be so much younger.  My mom would respond by saying, "Trudy...

Full Moon Fever

W e visited the Iron Works Park. As we were piling out of the car Fiona spotted two small dogs. Fiona: I want a puppy! Me: Daddy is allergic to dogs; How about a pig? Fiona: I don't want a pig. a little time goes by Fiona: I know.  We can get a new Daddy! Ryan shouldn't feel too insulted moments later she stated she'd like a new Mommy too. R eed loves mud & water.  He does not like to get his clothes dirty or wet.  If he does he NEEDS to take them off ASAP. O n this day when Reeds pants got muddy he had to wait until we returned to the car before getting naked. This is how he walked back.   Underwear showing. During the last leg of the hike back I looked behind me. Only to see Reed taking off his muddy shoes and  a Full Moon . I recognize I show way too many pictures of his tush  but he gives me way too many opportunities 

Part II of our Back to School pictures.

Featuring   Fiona and her Attitude . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After taking pictures Fiona geared up for some fishing.

Class Clown

T his weekend we took some Back to School   pictures.   Reed's theme is CLASS CLOWN . I'll post Fiona's tomorrow. Her theme is  ATTITUDE ************************************************ Speaking of Fiona This morning she brought me a "present" "Saturn" Isn't she something? #############################################  Some new additions to our clan... Ryan & the munchkins made an aquarium with some fish, snails and a crayfish named King.  All from our river. It's been the source of so many laughs especially for Reed . We both favor the crayfish and his snappy personality.  
September... 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Favorite Quotes of the day: Reed: "There's my Guy" as we see Ryan waiting at the bus stop for us. Fiona: "I keep trying and trying but I keep growing up on you" as she stands on the scale