Traveling To Koh Chang {Day4}

We traveled via so many different modes of transportation during this trip... plane, skytrain (BTS), bus, taxi, back of pickup trucks, 1st class train, 3rd class train, ferry, speedboat, elephant, and tuk-tuk. Oh and I almost forgot rickshaw. The fourth day was a traveling day. We took the BTS to a bus terminal, hopped on a government bus for 6 hours to Trat. From there we went on a ferry to the Island on Koh Chang. We then piled into the back of a pickup truck to our hut in the jungle. Our stay on Koh Chang was pretty short. We planned an elephant trek and a cooking class for Ryan there. The beaches are nice but I wasn't comfortable letting the kids play in the ocean. There have been too many deaths due to the strong currents. Here are some random pictures of Koh Chang... coconut soccer making his beach cubby ^^ That picture up there cracks me up. A random cow type animal fre...