{Babies Don't Keep}

My little Clayton is about to be 8 months old!! Some moments I feel as if he's been with us forever while others I feel like I just had him. He's such a joy and source of happiness for all of us that I can't imagine a life without our Clayton Ryan. I'm so incredibly grateful. I've been keeping up with his monthly pictures with Mozzarella but just haven't taken the time to post them until now. I should mention Mozzarella is Fiona's beloved bear. She asked Santa for him a couple years ago and even though he takes up half her bed she sleeps with him every night. (along with 20 other stuffed animals) A huge thank you to Fiona for letting us use him as a point of reference for Clay's rapid growth. 4 months 4 Month Stats: Weight- 6310g (13 lbs 14 ounces) 25th percentile Length- 61cm (24inches) 10th percentile Head- circumference 41.5cm (16inches) 50th percentile 5 months 6 months 6 Months Stats: Weight- 7...