
Happy Halloween!!!! I'm sure I've written about Halloween in Australia before. Generally it's not even close to the same here as it is in America. I would never walk around the neighborhood and trick or treat. There are certain blocks that will have balloons outside their house to indicate they are participating and last year we participated in that. Other years we had our own trick or treat in the house. {see HERE for some past Halloweens} Last weekend we were invited to a Halloween party... Ryan was a zombie. Reed Moe was a zombie slayer... Fiona was a pumpkin princess- "Pumpkintina" Long ago my sister advised me to choose how I want them to dress for Halloween because soon enough they will have their own ideas and most likely I won't be able to sway them. Boy was she right. I was hoping for a Peanuts theme. (I always thought Reed would be a great Charlie Brown) Instead I got this motley crew... Clayton wa...