Happy Birthday Grandma!

         Dear Reed & Fiona,
 By the time you can read this you will already know your Dad is... different.
He's a true gentleman. 
He speaks with a sincere respect towards everyone he meets. 
He always opens my car door.
When I get out of the shower I know there will be a clean towel sitting on the sink for me.
He is fantastic at everything he does, but his modesty will not allow him to boast.
(that's where I step in)
And the list goes on and on and on

This type of man is not self-generated.  Behind every gentleman is a dedicated mother. 

Reed, please know that when I watch you struggle to open the door for us I do it because I want you to be a  like your father.
Fiona, today you opened the door for me & Reed and said,"after you ladies". Once we get this confusion cleared up I hope you expect nothing less from a man who is courting you.
(once you're 30 and able to date that is)

Love you, Mom

(This picture is from when Ry's  family drove from North Carolina to Cape Cod for just one night to see Ryan accept his place in the Mass Maritime Football  Hall of Fame.  Of course they did, they never missed a game)

                      Dear Jan,
Thank you for rearing such a wonderful son.
Happy Birthday!
                             Love from us all

We hope you have a Great one!
