A Mother's Endless Love

After having Reed  I was introduced to a unique love... that of a mother.
Every sunset I thought I could not possibly love him more. 
With the sunrise somehow I found room in my heart to do just that.   

As a new mother I shared this phenomenon with Grammy O'Malley.
Her response both intrigued me and frightened me.

She told me this doesn't end...even when your child is an adult, your love for them continues to grow.

 Today my Grammy lay to rest another one of her children, my Uncle Timmy. 
My heart breaks thinking of how great of a loss this is for her. 
But her roots are deep(35 grandchildren  50 great-grandchildren kind of deep). 
Her faith strong
Her branches may sway but she is a resilient women and will never ever crumble.

Our thoughts are with all the O'Malley's today
We Love You
