Carnival Video

Our old car needs a new starter, so we've been giving Ryan a ride to and from the office this week.  The first day it threw off my schedule and was a nuisance.  Now I think I'll be a bit disappointed when the car finally is fixed.  I truly enjoy the 15minutes each way that Ryan and I get to talk.  The little ones get a kick out of dropping Daddy off at school too. 

Today after dropping Ry off we hit up a little fair at the community center.

The Sno-Cones were a big hit
and I'm so thankful because they really wanted popcorn.
I'm not sure when I'll allow popcorn back into their diet
today was not the day.

Reed + Fiona + Christian = Buddies


My Monkeys have been enjoying our carnival video!
What Carnival video?
Click HERE  to see it.

To hear Reed walk around the house singing the Carnival song is adorable.

Wishing you a very safe and super fun weekend!
