Last Weekend

Did you realize 2000 was 10 years ago?
Time is like paper in the wind
The weekend is almost here and I haven't written a thing about last weekend.
Ryan took me away to Asheville, North Carolina
it was the perfect way to celebrate our anniversary
Our calm before the storm

We stayed in a B&B and we're slightly heavier due to the delicious breakfasts
(I know what you're thinking Mom, "Good, you could use a few pounds")
And that's what we did, we ate A LOT
We drank some
We finished our thoughts
Spoke in complete sentences 
We went to a rock climbing gym
(and I'm still sore)
We walked and talked and dreamed together
Like I said, it was perfect.
Thank you Ry Guy

(A Bed of Roses is the B&B we stayed at.  I highly recommend it)

Asheville reminded us of a combination of Boulder,Co and Portland, ME
A great vibe

Ryan apologized for combining my anniversary gift and Mother's Day gift.
I told him not to worry because I combined his anniversary gift in with mine!
(Men are so easy)

Speaking of Mother's Day...
I would like to wish all the wonderful Mom's I know a happy Mother's Day!!!
Out of all the fantastic mama's I know
not one
can compare 
to my own!

I made her a little something

This gives new meaning to re-gifting

I love you Mom xxoo

A special thank you to Jan & Rock for watching the kids... they had a BLAST!
