Happy Trails To You

Our weekend was a restful one.
Ryan & I had a tea date while the kids had a play date.
Is it just me or do kids with an Aussie accent sound more intelligent? 

Sunday we visited our local park.
Like I said it was a restful weekend i.e.; a lazy one.
Therefore here's a lazy post; but what's new?

a little girl with her first love

you can take the tutu off the ballerina but you can never take the ballerina out of the girl

a little boy and his "mean" face.

a daddy who knows how to make his family laugh

my favorite picture of the day

my favorite smile of any day

two goofy guys


Daddy said…
Probably one of my favorite weekends so far - nothing complicated about it. Just relaxing fun at the park with my three favorite monkeys (two little ones and one big one).