It's much too late right now for my children to be awake.
I can hear the two of them chatting away and laughing. From what I can gather they are making up stories to tell each other.
 I just can't find it in my heart to break them up.
Oh the magnificent trials of a mom...

In other news, Ryan bought me a cell phone.  I am beyond excited.  I've never had a smartphone before. Honestly I don't know if you'd even technically call it a smartphone. Is a smartphone and an android the same thing?  I don't know. All I know is I can make lists, get great apps, check my email and even take pictures on this thing.  I've gotta tell you, it's so nice finally being a part of the 21st century.

As a side note- Everything is so much more expensive here.  One of the few exceptions is mobile phone service.  Relative to the states it's extremely cheap.

If you thought I took a lot of pictures before...

Here are some phone photos from yesterday.
The three of us went into the city and on the way home stopped at a park.
Good times!

flying fox

While walking the streets of Melbourne Fiona couldn't resist loving up the statues.
Reed couldn't resist the comic book store.  

Sibling love- or something like that

Handsome dude 

pretty little lady

 The chicks are getting big.  I regret not taking more pictures of them.  Seeing 3 little heads poke out of Angelina's feathers or the babies hopping on her back for a free ride brought more smiles to our faces than I can count.

It's just about time we let them go.  I struggle with it only because Reed does.  He's a sentimental little dude. I'm going to give a couple more weeks before we break his heart cross that bridge.

We look all too serious in this last picture for all the fun we had.

It's late now and I hope you're having a fun week too.
xo- Trudy
