Being A Mom

* When I have extra time I often whip up several posts in one day.  I tell myself, I'll just hop on and press "publish" tomorrow.  Then I find myself wrapped up in life and not even taking the time to tap one stinkin' button.  This is one of those posts.  It's a couple months old but it fits perfectly with today, Mother's Day!  Okay so it's not technically Sunday here but it is in the U.S. and that's where our hearts are on this special day anyway.  xoxo

 It's such an honor to be a mum.
To be seen through magical glasses by your favorite people.
To be familiar with a love that will never stop growing.
To have your soul awakened.
It's indescribable.
It's magical.  It's extraordinary.
 and man oh man is it hard work, but I can't imagine a job title I'd rather have.
It's the only one I've ever truly longed to have.

I'm grateful Ryan took these photo's.
He's good like that.
A freeze frame of me right now.
A 35 year old mum living her dream in Australia...

me, looking at the love of my life

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mom's I know!
Especially mine and Ryan's. 
We so wish we could hug you ladies up right now.
