Snow In July- Ryan's Birthday Experience

It's been well over 2 years since our family has seen snow.  After 30-something years of snowy winters I have been absolutely fine with this.  The kids, on the other hand, have been itching for some snow play.  Because it's a rare occasion in Ryan's lifetime to have his July birthday in winter we decided his Birthday Experience would be a day in the snow. So, earlier this week we let the kids ditch school and we headed through the temperate rainforest into the mountains.

The kids reported it was the best holiday ever!  They giggled and loved the snow just like native Australians. Ryan and I... well it was a very laughable experience for us.  We saw the reality of it all.  It was a hill with a thin layer of slushy ice.  At the top was a PVC pipe shooting out tiny ice cubes into a heap.  That was it. I've seen better conditions at a Walmart parking lot in Massachusetts & Quebec. That's what we paid over forty bucks for.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely!  The kids have obviously forgotten what proper snow is like and had a fabulous experience.  Their joy transcended into ours.  (kids are amazing like that)

Here are pictures from our day...

 In the parking lot getting suited up...


Just minding her own business when...

someone wants to snowboard

beautiful scenery

 When we arrived at the base of the mountain to pay we were told, the hill was running fast today.
If that were true I wouldn't have gone sledding given my pregnancy.
  Believe me when I say the baby and I were completely safe.

Both kids kept veering off to the side and into the dirt.
They thought it was great. (note Fiona's thumbs up) 

my best girl

  Braving the summit...

an angel making an imprint of herself A.K.A a snow-angel

 And the snowball fight begins...


almost there

 sneak attack!
 Reed taming a tiger!
On our ride home we stopped and fed a few Rosellas. 
 I'm still not over all the beautiful birds.

To get a glimpse of our last winter in North America and the snow we're used to go Here
