{The Babies Are Here!}

When Angelina went broody, I too was in deep want of a baby.  There was no way I could deny someone of a little one. (even if it was a chicken) We gave her four fertilized eggs and the miracle of motherhood and life began.

A few weeks ago our Bulls-eye went broody as well.  Again my heart went out to her.  If I had anything to do with it she too would become a mama.  After calling around I found this time of year it's difficult to find fertilized eggs. So, onto plan B....

Early this morning the kids and I went to the farm to pick up two beautiful day old chicks.

 Up there is "Kung-Fu Chicken".  She's Reed's gem.
Down below is Fiona's sweetie, "Belle The Adventurous".

Tonight we'll quietly remove the eggs Bulls-eye has been mothering, replacing them with Kung-Fu and Belle.  If all goes well tomorrow she'll wake up thinking she's done a wonderful job.

It was such fun loving these two up today.  
Although I look forward to handing the task over to Bulls-eye. 
 Babies truly are a lot of work, even baby chooks.

In other news, as a family we went to my first midwife appointment today.
 It was further confirmation of how different it will be to have a baby in Australia.
 It's a lot of little things, a couple bigger ones.
A part of me longs for the comfort of a U.S. hospital
while the adventurous part is excited to see how it will be here. 
