{Rest In Peace Angelina}

Last night was a tough night for the Woodland Clan. We lost our beloved Angelina Ballerina. It was the first time our little ones had to cope with death and it wasn't easy for them. We had a funeral service for her, poor Reed was so upset he wouldn't attend. Fiona woke up several times during the night crying. Talk about heartbreaking. At her funeral we spoke of how wonderful she was as a mother, her gentle and docile ways and how she always let us love her up. Reed & Fiona have found comfort in the theory of reincarnation. (or as Fiona mispronounces it, recarbonation) They look forward to recognizing her soul in the future... They're hopeful it will be in the body of a dog. Miss Angelina Ballerina, you will be missed and forever loved. xoxo here's a previous post about Fiona & her chook