{First Day of School & One month Old}

Today was Reed & Fiona's first day as second graders!

 Reed never wants his picture taken for this...
but I say, "Tough cookies little man!"

 They woke up to this...
Recently I've been putting up a list of things for them to accomplish each morning.
It's been especially handy over the holiday because it's kept them busy, giving Ry and I a little time for  extra sleep.  The biggest benefit is once they're done the list they're not even thinking about screen time and end up playing with each other.  I do like to include one silly task just to get a laugh out of them.


You might think because I love to record everything about these beautiful children I've kept impeccable  baby records.
Not so.
  I don't think I ever filled in more than a page for Reed or Fiona. 
I have no idea when their first tooth came in or how much they weighed at 2 months.
The closest I've got are videos of them. 
 I would always state how old they were and any new information about them.  
Videos that are currently collecting dust in my parent's attic.
Needless to say, I regret not keeping better written records of them.
Isn't that what #3 is for, redemption of past regrets?
 I've decided to use this space as a digital baby book for Clayton.

Today he's one month old.
He weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces
{a 2 pound, 2 ounce weight gain in one month}
He's 19 inches long
{a 2 inch growth in one month}
Clay can hold his head up when on his tummy and has begun to follow objects.
A few days ago he began to have more awake time. 
He's a healthy little guy!

He's still in newborn clothes although they're getting a little more snug. 
{It's a lucky coincidence that he's wearing the same outfit.}
