{Burrinjuck, New South Wales- Part 2}

Burrinjuck State Park is the type of place I'd like to stay for a week and just be.
They have everything from fishing to Frisbee Golf to great wildlife.

We shared many laughs over the wombats at night.
They're the cutest things but I don't think they're the sharpest tool in the shed.
That's a story for another time.

Here are some more pictures from our morning...

We made our way down to the lake...
cave island

tiny fiona

He/we love that kangaroo pouch.
It's rare moment if he fusses while in it.

my explorer

This next picture is a favorite.
That baby joey in her pouch is so young he doesn't even have fur yet.
Reminds me of my nosy curious Clay. He doesn't want to miss a thing.

I have similar pictures of Reed but they were taken with my phone, or, maybe it's video of him. 
Either way I'll be sure to post them.

It was a 20 minute drive out of the park, but it sure was gentle on the eyes.

Saturday morning we woke up in the bush...
Sunday morning on the coast.
What a beautiful contrast.

 That's Australia for you.
It truly is a magnificent country.
