{Little Turkey}

This Butterball is growing up all too quickly.
Yesterday marked 11 months since he came to us.
 In one breath I feel like I just had him, in the next I feel like I've had him all my life.
Last week he started saying "all done" and "dog".  He gets so excited for himself. He'll squeal and clap and do his iconic scrunched up face... it's all so darn cute!

Thanksgiving day was like any old Thursday. It was actually an extremely busy day with Fiona's Irish dance show, swimming and appointments. Fiona did a fantastic job in the production of The Little Mermaid. I have some pictures of her in costume that I'll post.  She was a blue Fish.

 Clay's top two teeth are pushing there way through.
 They are so close that it looks like they're out but they haven't cut yet.
 Poor bub. 

We hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving! 
Love From, The Woodlands
